Pets, to my knowledge, gain xp the exact same way you do - by being within range of a hostile mob when it dies. The pet itself does not need to attack, and you do not necessarily need to be alive.
Yes, you can fight lower level mobs to level up your pet. A good way used to be farming minotaurs outside of Ice Tooth Cave in Prophecies, but there are much better and faster ways now, I'm sure.
For your evolution (dire/hearty) your pet must:
Deal more damage than it suffers while leveling to become Dire. (Pump Beast Mastery and use high damage pet skills)
Receive more damage than it deals while leveling to become Hearty. (Basically ignore the Beast Mastery line, aside from keeping your pet alive, until it evolves)
And the species of your pet has no effect whatsoever on its leveling or its evolution.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's it in a nutshell. There is a fantastic and much more detailed guide to pets by Jenosavel in the Community Works area of this forum.